This Family-house is located in Bács-Kiskun state in the city of Jánoshalma in a Street close tó the centrum 1843lot for two generations or to run a business in this 180m2 house. On the lot there are two houses the smaller is 60m2. The smaller house’s heat is provided by gas convectors Doors and Windows are made of wood in the other building is 120m2 heating is provided by gas boiler and a Tile Stove Doors and Windows are made of wood. The basement runs under both buildings.With the property comes with a huge yard,Garage,Side Buildings Shacks it is in a good palace. We can help with Loan for more information call: Istella Angéla 0620 4508022
Lobby, Kitchen, Bathroom+Toilette, and an attic access
3rooms,Lobby,Corridor, Bathroom, Toilette,Kitchen,Chamber amd a Cellar Walker